
Too hard cording

Today's work made me tired.making fight power calculation formula.....I really don't want to work again.

A new year has come.

I arrange this and that to celebrate the New Year.arranged my blog's article and made plans in 2017.I would really like I achieve my plans this time. I wish me and my friends all the best in the New Year.

이상하게 재미가 없다...

요즘 뭔가 이것저것 다 재미가 없고 지겹다.. 1. 기존에 공부하면서 만들던 자체엔진. - 어차피 쓰일것도 아니고 더 나아가서 이러한 지식이 딱히 필요할것 같지도 않다는.. 100 이라는 지식중에 5정도가 필요하지 않을까? 2. 기존에 했던 게임들 - pc게임 새로 출시하면 클베부터 깔아서 챙겨서 하면서 했는데 이젠 그닥 관심없음 - 양산형 자동 사냥 게임 지겨움, 그런데 자동사냥 없으면 귀찮음....아이러니함... 뭔가 열심히 하고싶은 재미있는 게임이 없음..사실 게임하는거 자체를 별로 안좋아 하기도 하고.. - 예전에는 플레이 하지는 않아도 콘솔게임 스샷이나 플레이 영상을 모아서 분석했었는데 귀찮아짐 3. 게임 제작에 대한 열정 - 만들고 싶었던 게임이 있었다. JD같은.... 여러 게임을 접하면서 ..

2016. 2. 20. 23:21

20대. 힘들었던 순간 적었던 글.

만화책에서.남자로사는법을배우고. 3류라칭하는.음악에서.감수성을배우고. 먼지쌓인.소설책에서.삶을배우고. 재능없는사람들에게서.노력을배우고. 닿으려발버둥침에.꿈을배우고. 혼자.툭.불거져나옴에도.걷는법을배우고. 하루를살아감에.어제를배우고. 내일을준비함에.오늘을배운다.

2014-02-24. Visiting China town in Incheon

I and my wife took a day off. That had no particular reason. We just wanted to do. We visted China town in Incheon, There was good. There had interesting to watch and eating. Fire pot dumpling, History of Three States mural, and jajangmyeon. That all things made us pleasantly. It was worth time because we were together.

2014-02-23. Look, I'm unclear about what I want to do anymore.

I have a dream that always wanted to do. When I was beginner, I have believed that I could do. For a long time I cleaned shining a helmet and sword like a night . but now arounded me, I just

2014-02-22. Behind on my study plans.

Yes. I knew I was a lazybones. I planed study schedule during a month period. I think It's not that hard work. Just did not study, that's all. No reason.

2014-02-21. Everything depends on the way I look at things.

Recently, I'm seriously considering about getting a new job. The reason is simple. I would like to do what I want . I know that It's simple but not easy. So, I decided to work my best during a month. And then I gonna consider whether to give up or keep. D - day is March 25.