max8 + 32bit window7
Posted by Go crazy for anything that will make you smile.
아...젠장 dds가 로드가 안되네.. 첨에는 잘몬 짠줄 알고 하루 왠종일 삽질해봤는데...안돼... 흑흑.. 결국 문제는 max!!! 그때 구세주와도 같던 글. 3DSMax 8 and Windows 7/Vista: Error creating Direct3D device Hi, if you try to use 3DS Max 8 and Windows 7 (or Vista) you'll see there's some issue to load .DDS textures for your materials. The issue: - If you open a model which already had .DDS textures these objects will appear as black - If you try to a..